Accommodation in Clarens

Self-Catering Cottage

Accommodation in Clarens Self-Catering Cottage

Self-catering accommodation in Clarens with our conveniently located cottage adjacent to the hotel. This self-contained haven boasts 3 bedrooms, each furnished with a double and a single bed. Two of these rooms feature en-suite bathrooms, complemented by an additional separate bathroom within the house.

The fully-equipped kitchenette ensures a seamless stay, while the separate entrance and parking bays for two vehicles offer convenience and accessibility. With a maximum capacity of 9 guests, this is the ideal retreat for families seeking unfettered access to Clarens’ breathtaking natural surroundings. Experience the perfect blend of comfort and convenience in our self-catering cottage—your ultimate choice for accommodation in Clarens.

Sleeps: 9
Number of Units: 1

Accommodation in Clarens


Discover cosy and welcoming accommodation in Clarens with our thoughtfully designed Self-Catering Cottage

Picture of Mont d'Or Clarens

Mont d'Or Clarens

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